Airport Terminal

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Airport Terminal
Placement Requirement
Maximum Levels
  • 1
  • 2
Construction Materials

Tools Required

Construction Speedup

Airport terminals are essential for any city, they establish a trade connection with all other cities in a solar system that also have an airport terminal.

These are usually one of the first buildings constructed on a newly founded moonbase, along with the broker.

They allow a city to be picked up by a spacecraft's scanner and allow the city to reply to long distant transmissions.

For more information on trading, see the City Trades page.


The airport terminal contains a sensor station which can be used just like that ones aboard a spacecraft.

If an airport terminal detects an enemy unit on its sensors, it will cause the city to send out a distress city report.


They contain transporter stations, allowing you to beam yourself up to recently constructed spacecraft. Or to the city by requesting a transporter beam on the trade channel or a city's private channel. The range of the transporter increases with airport terminal TL.


The airport terminal is one of the three requirements to have an Officer, along with university and spacecraft factory.

System Emission

Once a city has an airport terminal, it will start receiving emissions from surrounding systems. The higher the TL the airport terminal, the farther away emissions can be detected.

For more information on emissions, see the System Emission page.