Dark Matter

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Blugwort: A way to keep someone from sending a ship into the void for months without being logged on.

Dark matter is what destroys a spacecraft after its been flying in the void for far too long.

Dark Matter Collision

Dark matter destroys any spacecraft that go through a system transition without an officer or avatar on board. System transitions occur through wormholes, deadheading or warp drive travel.

The crew of a spacecraft without an officer or avatar on board will attempt to avoid dark matter by refusing to leave their current solar system. This means that they will stop the spacecraft and wait for an officer or avatar to come on board before continuing with the order.

Unknown Destination Refusal

The crew (including officers) of a spacecraft will refuse to travel to or through unexplored solar systems when an avatar is not on board. This means that if an avatar logs off while the spacecraft has been ordered to travel to an unexplored solar system, the crew will attempt to stop the spacecraft.