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A world is the name generally given to celestial bodies, such as planets and their moons.

World Types

There are several sets of properties of worlds, that are orthogonal to each other. The main, and most influential property is the solar orbit zone in which the world located. There are five orbit zones:

  • Inferno worlds orbit closest to the sun and can be gaseous, seas of lava or barren desert-like plains. Magmex, ioplasma, vulcanite, and phlogiston are found only on these worlds.
  • Inner worlds orbit between the inferno and habitable zones. These worlds can support primitive plant and animal life, but they are too warm to support intelligent life. Terrain and resources on inner planets are very similar to terrain and resources on habitable planets. Inner planets are breathable if the atmosphere is standard or tainted with a density between 15%-85%.
  • Habitable worlds are always habitable without additional life support, and are the easiest to reach self-sufficiency. Homeworlds are always habitable worlds. A wide range of basic resources are found here as well as plant and animal life. They are comprised of land and seas of water. Each habitable zone is able to produce 1 officer.
  • Outer worlds function like inner planets, but they are too cold for intelligent life instead. However chances of ice and lumenite are much higher than for warmer worlds.
  • Frigid worlds are icy planets which cannot support life. They can be barren snow plains or may have seas of liquid gases which are highly damaging to unprotected life and equipment. Cryozine, bolite, myrathane and polytaride are found only on these worlds.

For more information, see Orbit Zone.

Celestial Bodies Types

There are also different types of planetary bodies:

  • Gas Giants have a massive dense atmosphere and strong gravity, that can heavily damages unprepared spacecraft and complicates colonization. They often have moons and can have one titan. Gas giants are 40'000m to 80'000m diameter.
  • Planets have atmospheres and surface liquids (lava, water or supercooled liquid depending on their orbital zone), and are able to support large populations. Planets can have moons. Planets are 6'000m to 25'600m diameter. Homeworld planets are 10'800m to 14'800m diameter.
  • Titans are basically moons large enough to have an atmosphere. They orbit a bigger world, be it a planet or a gas giant. Titans are 5'800m to 19'800m diameter.
  • Moons are smaller and have no atmospheres nor surface liquids. They have a higher chance of containing eludium and lumenite, but will be easily overpopulated. They are found orbiting gas giants and planets. Moons are 2'000m to 5'600m diameter.
  • Ringworlds are rare artificial worlds which surround a star. The worlds are the same as habitable worlds but are contained within a trough facing inwards to the star, a second orbital layer of plating artificially replicates a day and night cycle.
  • Planetoids are larger asteroids in an Asteroid Belt which can be landed and built on. Planetoids are 1,200m to 1,800m diameter.

Resource Zones

Planets and ringworld arcs are divided into one or more resource zones depending on their size, like an orange divided into equal slices. The map on the Locator (F7) window displays longitude lines at the divisions between the resource zones.

Most planetary resources are distributed into resource zones. Resource quality and abundance varies by zone. A resource that is rare in one zone may be plentiful in another zone. Similarly, a resource that is poor in one zone may be superb in another zone.

Atmospheric and hydrographic factors do not vary by zone. The quality and quantity of these commodities is the same across the entire world.

The only visible change from one zone to the next is the appearance of the plant life. Otherwise, you must spot the rocks to watch for a change in resource quality to notice that you are in a different zone.

Number of Zones

Resource zones as seen from the north pole of a planet.

The smallest worlds and moons only have 1 resource zone. The larger a world is the more resource zones it will have, up to a maximum of 4.

Ringworld arcs are the largest and always have 4 resource zones.

Diameter Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4
? 180°W-180°E
? 180°W-0°W 0°E-180°E
? 180°W-60°W 60°W-60°E 60°E-180°E
? 180°W-90°W 90°W-0°W 0°E-90°E 90°E-180°E

World Population

Citizens experience dissatisfaction due to population pressure when the world population limit is exceeded. Population of a world is the sum of the population of all homes that reside on the world. Citizens become increasingly unhappy the more the population exceeds the limit. Overpopulation morale penalties start once the population limit is exceeded and scales up to -20 at double the population limit and increased risk of disease outbreaks.

The diameter of a world can be found:

However all worlds also have a building volume limit depending on world size and a building count limit of 250. This means that the collective volume of all buildings on the world has to be below the limit, but making many many tiny buildings is also limited.

Morale penalty is -1 per 1000 cubic meters of building volume in excess of the maximum, rounded up. e.g. 1 to 1000 cubic meters excess = -1 to morale, 1001 to 2000 cubic meters excess = -2 to morale. There is no limit on this morale penalty. A -1 morale penalty is incurred for every building beyond that the max building count.

Limits by World Size
World Size Area Population Limit [1] Max Building Volume [2] Max Building Count [3]
Sphere 1 1,894m diameter 11,268,913m² 5,6345 1,625,639m³ 500
Sphere 2 3,788m diameter 45,075,652m² 22,538 6,502,554m³ 500
Sphere 3 5,682m diameter 101,420,217m² 50,710 14,630,603m³ 500
Sphere 4 7,576m diameter 180,302,609m² 90,151 26,010,072m³ 500
Sphere 5 9,470m diameter 281,722,826m² 140,861 40,640,676m³ 500
Sphere 6 11,364m diameter 405,680,870m² 202,840 58,522,556m³ 500
Sphere 7 13,258m diameter 552,176,739m² 276,088 79,655,712m³ 500
Sphere 8 15,152m diameter 721,210,435m² 360,605 104,040,000m³ 500
Sphere 9 17,045m diameter 912,781,956m² 456,391 131,675,712m³ 500
Sphere 10 18,939m diameter 1,126,891,304m² 563,445 162,562,560m³ 500
Sphere 11 20,833m diameter 1,363,538,478m² 681,769 196,700,672m³ 500
Sphere 12 22,727m diameter 1,622,723,478m² 811,361 234,090,080m³ 500
Ringworld arc 229,814 x 17,850m 4,102,166,484m² 2,051,083 295,884,256m³ 500

Indigenous People

Worlds have an indigenous population if they have a habitable environment and they orbit in the habitable orbit zone.

For more information, see the Indigenous_Population page.