Moonlit Aristocracy

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Moonlit Aristocracy
Founding Date 2014-??-??
Member Count Unknown
Key Members
  • Star Swirl
  • Tesco Empire
  • Endless Horizons
  • Eagle Monarchy
  • Celat Empire
  • Legion

Moonlit Aristocracy was a small empire that existed during the fourth and fifth universes of the MMO. It first used the Republic government type, followed by a Dictatorship in Universe 5, and was passworded.

Throughout Universe 4, the empire was an alliance of several others of varying size, such as Endless Horizons, Lunatia, Anglican Alliance and Eagle Monarchy, with Endless Horizons contributing greatly to its position on the empire standings, providing 105,708 loyal citizens by the end of the universe. Through Universe 5, Moonlit would ally with empires such as Tesco Empire, Eagle Monarchy II, Banana Empire and others under the Legion alliance.

Notably, this empire was the winner of the fourth universe, and was also a big part of the rebellion against Stellar Syndicate during The Box.

Founding date is based on an archive