Harsh Environment Enclosure

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Template:Toc A city placed in a harsh environment, such as on an airless moon, will require environmental enclosures for all buildings.

Harsh environment brings with it a number of penalties and special restrictions.

City Effects

All cities located in a harsh environment have the following permanent effects or requirements:

  • City will have a permanent "-1 Harsh Environment Penalty" morale penalty;
  • There will be no automatic citizens immigration without an (f.e.) Airport Terminal;
  • Citizens only immigrate at half the normal rate (but birth rate is not affected);
  • Citizens will require Air as a commodity in the city store to breathe (shortage will result in a proportional morale penalty and/or deaths);
  • City will require Electricity at all times (shortage will result in "Powerless in harsh environment" morale penalty);
  • Citizens will start labor jobs regardless of day or night cycle, or presence of Electricity in the city.

Materials requirement


The first harsh environment colony is most often on a moon in order to mine eludium and possible lumenite, which is used to manufacture starships.


While a Biodome protects against the harsh environment, all buildings constructed still required the materials needed for the harsh environment enclosures. This is so the harsh environment enclosure can quickly be deployed in case the biodome fails.