Spacecraft Exchange

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The Spacecraft window's Exchange tab.

The spacecraft exchange is a place where users can submit and purchase finished spacecraft designs and assemblies. It is accessible from the Spacecraft (F9) window's Exchange tab.

It provides a lot of options for a published design. For example, you can allow other users to copy or not copy the design, set a purchase price, and other parameters that affect what other people can do with them. All designs published here are visible by everybody accessing the exchange.

If a purchase price is set, the publisher of the design receives a receipt by mail whenever the design is purchased. No receipt it sent for free designs.

On purchase of a design, it is added to your inventory as a ship design disk. From this, it can be manufactured at a spacecraft factory.

Designs burned to a disk straight from the designer are not published here. A design does not have to be published to be manufactured at a factory.

Website Version

A view only version of the Exchange also exists on the Shores of Hazeron website. It lists designs published for access by everyone, regardless of empire.
