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  Scan sector option in starmap
Posted by: Ivan - 04-14-2024, 02:48 AM - Forum: Arena of Ideas - Replies (1)

Right now when you want to scan every system in a sector ith 30 systems. You need to to right click the system, left click travel to system, then right click again, left click scan system and then preferably also left click the system name to select it so you know this system is done. => 5x30 = 150 clicks to get a list of mission 60 orders. We all did this, even in the MMO. The tedium didn't deter us. Now it's singleplayer, maybe player hosted sever multiplayer in the future. So might aswell remove the tedium.

What if in the starmap there was a single order that said "Scan every system in the sector" or "Scan Sector" that added these 60 orders in 2 clicks? (maybe even with an optimal route, to minimise back and forth travelling?)

Not urgent by any means, but would take some tedium out at least.

And no I don't want a scan galaxy order :D (and there is no use for that really, you'll find all Q254-255 in under 50-100 sectors probably).

So that are 15000 clicks that could be reduced to 200 clicks for scanning 100 sectors of 30 systems

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  Option to turn off autoimports of airports for those who don't want it.
Posted by: Ivan - 04-14-2024, 02:10 AM - Forum: Arena of Ideas - No Replies

As the title says, it's singleplayer now, it would be neat to have the possibilty to have only "real logistics" like in X4 Foundations, were every good is only ever transported through a ship, never teleported. We also have broker shipments (magical teleportation between systems). I never use those and am glad it is not forced upon me. I'd like to have the same choice with airports.
Could be for goods, but also for passengers/migration. Ringworlds/habitables and self sufficient colonies would suddenly become alot more valuable.

Since it would be optional, you could still have magical teleportation, if you so desired.

Then something I think could add some sort of missions (this is just an idea and wouldn't bother me if never implemented, because I could just send ships myself)

The above could be coupled with shipments & people wanting to travel somewhere ("passenger shipments") being issued by cities (and by the player), which ships set to trade and/or ferry passengers around the system could then fulfill, . Instead of shipments, these ships could just look at supply and demand from cities directly perhaps, just like the autotraders from X4 (and I think the passenger transports in X3TC, or were they only for player use?).

So you could still send shipments, but they would only effectively be fulfilled if one of your own ships (or an AI empire ship) actually pickup and deliver the order.

The shipless, magical transportation is one of my gripes with Hazeron atm (after the bigger issues like the designer tedium and the lack of threat/interaction/combat).

The main thing I'd like to see changed is just: IF (checkbox in settings or better yet at the airport/broker is marked=false) THEN Airports autoimport goods = false. (idk if it's that easy) It could be set to autoimport by default. Or perhaps link it to the broker: no broker => no autoimports.

However if making it a setting at the airport, that is NOT marked by default, it would mean you would have to finish an airport first, before being able to set it to autoimport: no more unfinished airports importing things. => back to the old way of establishing colonies, which actually needed a ship or crates filled with materials.

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  Making military bases (or all military buildings) capturable + troop control
Posted by: Ivan - 04-14-2024, 01:27 AM - Forum: Arena of Ideas - No Replies

Here are some ideas on how I think the capturing system could be improved, please do add your own suggestions.

Capturable Military bases, possibly MWS and capitols too.
Right now the way to capture a planet is to just destroy all Military Weapon systems (MWS), turrets and shield generator , then destroy the military base. That's it. No infantry needed. All cities on the world suddenly yield. In the old system you needed to destroy the MWS to get close to the city to beam down troops to capture flags or you could be sneaky and go in with troops from outside the firing arc of the MWS or use a spacetransport or small ship. Basically there were many more options and it was actually fun to capture the flags. It was also kinda fun to capture a city at a time, so a planet could have cities owned by different empires. I understand there were some exploits with placing flags in/near other cities, multple smaller cities, etc.

Instead it would be nice if all military buildings could either be destroyed by ships OR be captured by infantry. A Military building would not be a valid design, unless it had doors and hallways leading to a command chair (or the shield/firing console), which you could then defend by placing lots of troops around it and some turrets perhaps. (maybe with some restrictions to avoid 100 turrets, possible troop mumber restrictions and having to spread them over different sites)

So in addition to destruction from orbit, infantry/special forces gameplay would become an option again.

Having to capture each city capitol as well would be neat also. Each city could have a small garrison of troops/police officers stationed at the capitol or even each police station. That could however lead to the exploit of placing alot of police stations or even alot of small cities, so I'm not sure about capitols needing to be captured. We could perhaps have max 1 city per zone, but that's a bit of an artificial limitation. Other possibilites are a minimum number of inhabitants and morale. Or a minimum number of police jobs for the city to matter in the control of the planet, to avoid spamming many small cities. Maybe someone else has better ideas on how to tackle this.

A capitol could perhaps only become capturable once the military base has been captured or destroyed.

Doors also need to be destructible again with C4 to enable this.

Troop control:
Also I think it would be good if a person in the chain of command of a World (City) was able to control the garrison of the Miltary base (and the Capitol/police stations) in the same way that you can now control troops from your ship. It aways bothered me in the past that this was not possible.

Perhaps even a list of active troops should be added in some menu concerning military bases (or cities) somewhere.

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  Improvements for shipments
Posted by: andreykl - 04-13-2024, 01:19 AM - Forum: Arena of Ideas - No Replies

1. Instead of forcing player to scroll trough long list of items for an item player might not even remember the name off, provide a button that opens UI to select an item or category like it is done in 'chat'.

2. Please add an option to specify not just minimum but also maximum quality as well.
Reasons: send low quality items away to be forgotten, or to provide a planet with a 'jump start' material wise without touching high quality stock fresh planet doesn't need for construction.

3. Stop sending shipments if planet stock is lower than defined.
Reasons: you might want to keep some food or tools in system if you overestimated production capacity. You also might want to send away only unused excess to free space for more production.

Example UI in attachment.

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  2024-04-12 Drop Pod, Mine, Capitol Buildings, Bug Fixes
Posted by: Haxus - 04-13-2024, 12:30 AM - Forum: Updates - Replies (11)

Drop Pod
This one has been on my list for a long time. There is a room on the Atlantis called the Pod Bay that has always been empty.

This has been a fun one. I added a new vehicle called a Drop Pod. The model was designed in the Designer.

  • Drop pod is rocket propelled, like a space rocket.
  • Flight controls use the Space Rocket controls.
  • Drop pod is manufactured at aircraft factories.
  • Drop pod has retractable landing gear. The default key for this is I. You also get an on-screen 'Landing Gear' button. That button appears and the state of landing gear is depicted on the screen when the current vehicle has retractable gear.
  • New Aircraft Factory and Colony Aircraft Factory blueprints are included. They now have a drop pod shop so there is a place for the drop pod to be parked when manufactured. There is a dozen parking spots so there will be a lot of pods handy when a ship needs to load them.
  • Buildings do not fetch drop pods to drop pod parking spots, in case the aircraft factory is used for some other purpose.
  • A 'Launch' button appears when you are in a drop pod aboard a spacecraft. The engine does not have to be on. Launch is immediate, placing the pod just outside the bottom extent of the hull heading away at 200m/s with its engine on and gear retracted.
  • Recovery system can recover drop pod if the ship has a drop pod parking spot.
  • Atlantis was updated to carry drop pods in the Pod Bay.

The retractable gear was fun. The pod falls over on its side when the gear is not down.

Landing is fun when you get a feel for the pod. Standing in the pod looking out the big front window, you almost have the feeling of being a superhero flying in and landing on your feet. Don't forget to put the gear down.

This work caused me to flesh out the vehicle design portion of the Designer quite a bit. It isn't ready for the general public but it can make vehicles that I can use.

This created two new to-do items. 1) Troops need to know how to fly drop pods, which also teaches them how to fly space rockets. 2) Order needed to launch drop pods to a specific long lat, that can be selected off the map or input directly.

I am currently working on a bug related to drop pods. I am aboard an Atlantis decelerating from about 58,000m/s. When the pod launches it gets destroyed by a collision with the ship.

A new Mine 10 blueprint was added. It features an underground area that is accessible via turbo lift from the building.

Capitol Buildings
It was so nice to be able to go inside the undersea capitol building.

I designed Capitol Spire for habitable climates and Colony Capitol Command Center for harsh environments. They feature interior spaces. Capitol Spire has a turbo lift.

Parts Columns
Parts window stopped letting the icon-only columns be very narrow. This is a waste of space.


Workshop Blueprints
All of my spacecraft and building blueprints in the Steam Workshop have been updated, with the exception of the new aircraft factories. I just finished updating the blueprints before this update. I will update them in the workshop eventually.

Turbo Lift Jig
Turbo lift jig is broken after cutting through a hull.

Fixed bug when turbo lift part was in an unexpected state during the cut.

Designer Item Placer
The item placer in the Designer does not remember my preferred on/off state for each new item.


Turbo Lift Bogus Error
I designed a building with a turbo lift. The finalize process kept telling me the turbo lift was outside the hull but it wasn't.


Unpublish Blueprint
Cannot unpublish my own blueprint from the workshop if the blueprint is not in my local library.


Login Whereabouts
Login whereabouts information should say if an avatar is in a designer.


Pose on Sailboat
The sailboat is supposed to allow different body poses besides standing. It doesn't.

Fixed. Sitting is a great pose because you can see under the sail. You can also lie prone.

Creatures Attack
Creatures attacked me when I was inside a drop pod. It is considered an enclosed vehicle.

Fixed bug that allowed creatures to see people inside enclosed vehicles.

Design Modified State
When I use the designer in the game, it always warns me that I will lose changes, even if I just saved the drawing.


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  2024-04-05 Undersea Buildings, Submarine Parking, Decorative Potted Plants
Posted by: Haxus - 04-05-2024, 10:01 PM - Forum: Updates - Replies (6)

Undersea Buildings
Someone reported being unable to place a wharf at an undersea city. This prevented the undersea city from being connected by sea with surface cities that have wharves.

Fixed an error checking placement of coastal buildings at underwater cities.

Designed a few buildings specifically for undersea cities. They can be found in the exchange.

  • Undersea Capitol - I decided to give this building an interior, so I could go inside while building and managing my underwater city. It features a bottom entry up into a dive chamber, like on Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea and other sea fiction. This presented some challenges because a number of small bugs prevented this from working properly; they are fixed.
  • Undersea Factory 5 - A basic factory with 5 shops.
  • Undersea Nuclear Power - Single generator nuclear power, nothing fancy.
  • Undersea Wharf - A simple wharf with a few submarine parking spots.

Submarine Parking
My submarine would not autopark itself at my undersea buildings.


Also fixed a positioning bug that would have pulled the sub down to its CG into the dirt if it had worked. They would also have been placed that way when fetched from a shipyard. That positioning is needed when placing water vehicles on the sea surface.

Decorative Potted Plants
Potted plant growth should not affect potted plants with DNA that is not viable, i.e. those put on static display. They are considered to be decorations.

Fixed. Decorative plants always appear at full mature size with flowers. 

The overall size, whether live or decorative, can still be adjusted with the pruning control on the flower pot. You can adjust the size without picking up the pot if you click on the control inside the lip of the pot. If you pick it up you can adjust the size on the item's properties in your gear but then a live plant must start growing all over again when you drop it.

Military Headquarters Flag
The flag at the Military Headquarters building is only visible from one side.


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  2024-04-04 Hull Volume Errors, Helmet Suit Status, UI Freeze, Exchange Size Sort
Posted by: Haxus - 04-04-2024, 05:13 PM - Forum: Updates - Replies (1)

Hull Volume Calculation Inconsistency
Hull volume is not calculated consistently between unfinalized and finalized blueprints that have a turbo lift. This makes finalizing the blueprint impossible.


Hull Volume Calculation Error
Buildings do not consider weapon bays when reconciling hull volume. This makes it impossible to finalize a building with a weapon bay.


Helmet Status Indicator for Suit Broken
When my suit is broken, the status indicator in my helmet blinks faintly yellow.

Fixed. Blinks red now like it was supposed to.

Season on Planetoid
Compass should not show season on a planetoid.


Disable Subscribe Button
Subscribe button should be disabled while a blueprint is being downloaded.


UI Freeze Making Spacecraft
Selecting a huge spacecraft in the spacecraft buy/commission/build dialogs causes a gigantic lag.


Achievements on Accounts Page
Accounts page should show my Steam achievements.


Exchange Size Sort
Size column does not sort properly in the building and spacecraft exchanges. Sorts alphabetically.


Finalize all Spacecraft and Buildings
All of the spacecraft and building blueprints included with the software were finalized. A few of them needed slight changes.


Achievement Graphics
The last of the basic set of achievement graphics were received from the graphic artist. Now all achievements have a graphic.


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  Planetary Name List Bug?
Posted by: Grecanis - 04-04-2024, 02:33 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (4)

Planetary names disappear from the list when trying to do an orbit planet order from within the system.


Other times when trying to add an orbit planet to an open mission I get this. (intermittently it seems)


The data is still present on the survey report but missing from the world and system maps. You can choose the planet and still fly there. Mission will say "Orbit current planet."

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  Unable to Stop Regularly Spacecraft Manufacting
Posted by: Deantwo - 04-03-2024, 07:45 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - No Replies

When you have started the regularly/repeated manufacturing of a spacecraft blueprint at a spacecraft factory, it is not possible to stop it again.

Only work around is to bulldoze the spacecraft factory or leave it with "Employ Citizen" unchecked.

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  Harvest by bay doesn't show correct bay options when not onboard
Posted by: Ivan - 04-03-2024, 03:20 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

When you are not onboard the harvester, it will show the bays of your current ship instead of the bays of the harvester you're trying to give the order to. (yes I'm using the correct button, below the chat window, with the harvester's channel selected).

If you are not onboard a ship it will not show any bays.

This means you cannot remotely give harvest orders to a harvester with 2 atmosphere condensor bays to harvest 2 different resources.

For other harvesters you can use the harvest by module command.

A minor nuisance, but still a nuisance.

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