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The official Hazeron Forums,, is the best place to report bugs and post suggestions. Haxus, Hazeron's developer, usually only uses the official forums to communicate.

The Steam community forum for Hazeron Starship also works as an alternative.

Security Question

Registering on the forum requires you to answer a security question. This is to prevent spambots. The answer to the question is the current client's version number, which can be seen in the background of the client's login screen.

Example version number: 6e12

If an update was recently released, the security question might not have been updated, in this case it is possible to try and guess one of the previous version numbers as follows: 6e11, 6e10, 6e9, etc.

Old forum

In the past, the forum looked different and used different software called phpBB. This forum could be found at

Eventually, an issue with phpBB's PHP integration resulted in the switch to the current myBB forums. For a while, both old and new forums were hosted side-by-side, until the drive containing the old forum data died.

How it looked