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2018-10-10 Story Engine, Rocket Training, Offer Items

Story Engine
Story engine is broken. Rocket Training and Relic stories don't start any more.

Several functions of the story engine were updated that were only looking at old style cities, not considering the new buildings. Since then, I have seen the Relic mission start in testing. Rocket training should start. I will be testing all stories once the servers are restarted.

Assorted improvements were made to the story engine over the past few days. I was concerned that parts of an unfinished improvement might have crept into the last update, breaking the story engine even more. That is the reason for the update today.

Rocket Training Snafu
The rocket training mission requires that the player have less than 3 minutes in a rocket. This causes a problem when a player makes a space rocket and flies it before they have all the other stuff needed by the mission. It never starts after that.

Rocket training startup requirement was changed. The requirement for less than 3 minutes in a rocket was removed. A new requirement was added that the player has never gotten the rocket training mission.

Offer Items
Deantwo made a great suggestion recently to combine the Auction and For Sale buttons into one function.

Auction and For Sale buttons were combined into a single Offer Items button on comm channels. Use it to sell, auction or give items and cargo.

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