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2020-01-21 Server Crash, Mesh Lighting, Name Species, Site Overlap

Server Crash
Server crashed when someone surrendered a city.


Mesh Lighting
Meshes in rooms of ships and buildings are not lit by the room lighting.

Fixed an error that was introduced when part groups were added.

Nothing needs to be done to existing designs. The error was in the client side rendering code.

Name Species
Gen4 sentient avatar cannot name his own species. Tells him its not his species to name.

Fixed two errors that caused this to work incorrectly with gen4 dna. One error caused most creatures created from a species to no longer be a part of that species. The other was a rounding error that caused an inconsistency when encoding and decoding a dna value.

EV Suit Cost
Now we just need cheaper EV suits... as they are still VERY expensive to craft and buy

All processes and patents for making EV suits were reviewed. Material costs were reduced in all of them, generally to only one of each of the commodities formerly required. EV helmets no longer require mechanical parts. A sewing needle was added as a required tool, due to the textile requirement.

Plastic Patents
Too many plastic patents

All plastic molding patents were eliminated.

Site Overlap
Prevent mines and wells from overlapping mines and wells. This allows multiple buildings to harvest the same resource.

Mines can no longer overlap mines when placed. This is also true of Farms, Orchards, Drilling Rigs and Wells. Each is prevented from overlapping the site of another industry of its type.

Star Map Avatar Position
The + shaped avatar position indicator on the star map is in the wrong place.

Fixed aspect ratio bug when painting the avatar position indicator on the star map.

Limbo Rescue
There are fifteen avatars in limbo but the limbo rescue process fails to recover them.

Fixed limbo rescue to send avatars with no empire to a new empty home world.

Those people got stuck in limbo when the old style space ships were deleted. I ran a limbo rescue then but did not realize it failed for some people.

Messages In This Thread
2020-01-21 Server Crash, Mesh Lighting, Name Species, Site Overlap - by Haxus - 01-21-2020, 07:31 PM

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