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Full Version: Raising Claim Limits
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One of the main complains that I've seen with the turn back to subscription was the amount of claims an avatar can have is a bit low and encourages people to have multiple accounts for a decent-sized empires.  I'm not asking for too much major of a change but for a bump in the number of claims an avatar can have or have it expand to an certain limit somehow.
If you maximize your use of Land and home mechanics of all 6 avatars you can have on an account, you can have 66 solar systems in total.
See: https://www.hazeron.com/wiki/index.php/Land

But the Land mechanic is a little weird to use, so I would definitely like to see it made simpler to use.
If it was paid, then to be honest I'd prefer a pool shared between all of the dudes because toggling between accounts purely for upkeep reasons (even if its fairly easy) is annoying.