Hazeron Forums

Full Version: Possible Bug: 'Hold Fire' Stance Prevents Harvesting
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I think it's a matter of opinion, but Deantwo suggests we treat it as a bug. A ship with the 'hold fire' stance will do nothing when ordered to harvest, even though the usual 'earn our keep' message plays. A compromise may be just a follow-up message from the crew saying "holding fire" in response to the order to harvest.
Ordering specific crewmen to hold fire was useful with the old harvester orders, because we didn't have fine control over which harvesters were being fired. This is no longer an issue with the new harvester orders, so hold fire doesn't really make sense for harvesters.

So yes, harvesters should probably be except from the hold fire posture.

PS: Old harvester orders should be removed already.

PSS: I still wish harvesters were a separate subsystem. As this would make more sense when saying it is except from this behavior. But that is another discussion.
Not a bug, but I agree. Harvesters should ignore the "hold fire" status.