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Full Version: Higher QL Production not replacing Lower QL Products in Industry Storage
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I was checking my assembly lines in my capitol and noticed that one of my smelters was full of QL80 or so metal in storage- I know that with more ore QL and smelter QL that it should be at least 120, and checking city manifest I saw that indeed, there was SOME QL120 metal, but the smelter couldnt process any more jobs cause it was full of the lower QL stuff. It isnt just metal, either, my city report is full of a massive number of multi-QL storage lists.

Copypaste from city report:

140372 Q120
212746 Q119
94069 Q118
86128 Q117
209629 Q116
600 Q115
100 Q114
84801 Q90
8093 Q89
34205 Q88
215489 Q78
746 Q49