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2019-04-03 Turbo Lift Gravity, Shields Charge, Multi Select

Turbo Lift Gravity
After the last update, the gravity in the turbo lift on Atlantis is broken.

Found/fixed a bug that caused all turbo lifts created prior to this update to have natural gravity inside their room void, instead of artificial gravity. To fix this, the gravity in all turbo lifts created prior to this update was set to artificial. This is least likely to cause trouble for existing ships and buildings.

Shields Charge Bug
On some spacecraft the shields did not appear to charge.

Fixed a bug in the data stream of the shield station. It was displaying the shield levels incorrectly on ships with very large shields. Their shields were charging correctly but there was no way to tell.

Make Turbo Lift
The command to make a turbo lift consumes the room but it leaves the room void and the door jig behind. This is confusing.

Changed the turbo lift maker to eliminate the room void and door jig.

Publish Multi Select
The publish blueprint window should allow multiple selection so I can publish many blueprints at once.

Windows to publish building and spacecraft blueprints now support multiple selection.

Unpublish Multi Select
The exchange windows should allow multiple selection when unpublishing blueprints.

Building and spacecraft exchange windows now support multiple selection when unpublishing blueprints.

Delete Multi Select
The delete blueprint window should allow multiple selection so I can delete many blueprints at once.

Windows to delete building and spacecraft blueprints now support multiple selection.

Designer Snap
It would be handy if there was a way to know if the cursor was snapped to an existing part of the design.

Cursor blip now highlights when snapped to an existing part.

Landing System Bug
If I take Atlantis and land on a planet, I can launch fine, but cannot land.

Spacecraft in atmosphere zone of a world now respond to landing requests, unless they are actively hiding in ground clutter. Previously, they ignored landing requests when in the atmosphere.

Transporter Ambiguity Warning
Warn about two transporter stations in the same room. It is ambiguous.

Building and spacecraft blueprints can no longer be finalized if two transporter stations are in the same room void.

Verify Planar Void Faces
Verify that the faces of voids are planar. Bent faces cause strange problems with the algorithm that determines if things are inside the void.

Voids with bent faces will now produce an error when finalizing a design. If you get this error, the solution is to adjust the vertices of all faces so they do not form bent planes, or fracture the faces of the errant void. Fracturing a face reduces it to its individual triangles, which cannot be bent.

Please do not fracture all voids because the inside-void algorithm is much more efficient otherwise.

Edge Lines Offset Bug
In the designer, sometimes edge lines are offset from solids. This appears to be related to right-click somehow, maybe incomplete drag.

Reset part dragging state values when needed.


Fracture Void Faces
Atlantis reported some bent faces in some voids, when finalized. I followed my own instructions and fractured them. It didn't work.

Voids were ignoring the fracture request. I'm not sure why. Their faces can now be fractured.

Void Faces Error
The error about bent faces in voids prevents the blueprint from finalizing. This is a problem for existing blueprints.

Bent faces in voids no longer prevent a blueprint from finalizing. They still show up as a red error because the problem really should be corrected.

Building Report Center
Building report shows the latitude and longitude of the capitol building. The exact location is the insertion point of the building, which is often at the edge of the site. That makes it an unreliable location for a hover order because the hovering ship might not be exactly over the capitol.

Capitol building now reports the latitude and longitude at the center of its site, not the insertion point of the building blueprint.

Natural Resource Q Bug
Processes that refine or extract natural resources produce them at the wrong Q.

Fixed refining and extracting manufacturing processes to get the correct Q for the process output.

Natural Resource Patent Q Bug
Patent development processes for refining and extracting natural resources are produced at the wrong Q.

Fixed refining and extracting patent development processes to get the correct Q for the patent that is produced.

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